The Sixteenth Annual Conference of the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE)
Worthington Renaissance Hotel, Fort Worth, Texas
Thursday, February 9 through Saturday, February 11, 2012
Sixteenth Annual AMTE Conference, 2012
Conference registration is now closed.
Conference Information:
1. Preconference sessions are optional and will be held on Thursday morning. 2. Conference Sessions will begin at 1:00 pm on Thursday afternoon, and the General Plenary Session will begin at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday. 3. Conference sessions will run all day Friday; on Saturday, sessions will run all morning and the conference ends after lunch and the business meeting at approximately 1:15 p.m. 4. The following meals are included in the conference registration fee: Thursday: afternoon break (dinner is on your own after the General Plenary Session) Friday: continental breakfast, morning coffee break, lunch, afternoon break, and dinner Saturday: continental breakfast, morning coffee break, and lunch
Featured Speakers
Dr. Douglas H. Clements is SUNY Distinguished Professor of Education at the University of Buffalo, SUNY. Previously a preschool and kindergarten teacher, his present research interests are in the areas of the learning and teaching of early mathematics and computer applications. Click here to read full bio. |
Deborah Schifter, Principal Research Scientist in the Learning and Teaching Division of the Education Development Center (EDC), has more than 25 years of experience providing professional development in mathematics and conducting research on student mathematics learning. Click here to read full bio. |
2012 Conference Resources
Registration Information
- Online and Mail/Fax Conference Registration Forms are now closed.
- Review Status at All Academic
- Preconference Sessons
- Conference Program
- Conference app in Grupio (search "amte")
iPhone Android Blackberry Mobile @AMTENews or hashtag #amte2012
Travel and Hotel Information
- Hotel Reservation Information
- Travel Information & Directions
- Restaurants Nearby (coming soon)