
The criteria for blind proposal review include:

Presentation Goals

To what extent does the proposal describe goals for the session that are appropriate for an AMTE audience, including what participants may have the opportunity to learn by participating in the session?

3: The proposal clearly describes high-quality goals that are appropriate for an AMTE audience.



0: The proposal does not provide appropriate goals for an AMTE audience.

Relationship to AMTE's

To what extent is the proposed topic related to AMTE’s mission to promote the improvement of mathematics teacher education, K-12?

3: The proposed topic is highly relevant to AMTE’s mission.



0: The proposed topic is not relevant to AMTE’s mission.

Connection to Research or Theory

To what extent does the proposal include connections to existing research or theoretical perspectives?

3: The proposal describes clear and substantive connections between the topic and existing research or theory.



0: The proposal describes no connections between the topic and existing research or theory.

Connection to Practice

To what extent does the proposal indicate evidence of informing the practice of mathematics educators?

3: The proposal clearly describes past or potential impact on practice.



0: The proposal describes no evidence of past or potential impact on practice.

Engagement and Plan for Sessions*

To what extent does the proposal describe a well-planned session that actively engages participants?

3: The proposal clearly describes a well-planned session where presenters actively engage participants.



0: The proposal does not describe the active engagement of participants.

Quality of Ideas

To what extent does the proposal describe high-quality ideas?

3 The proposal describes high-quality ideas.



0 The proposal does not describe high-quality ideas.

Overall Rating

To what extent should this proposal be accepted?

3: The proposal should be accepted.



0: The proposal should not be accepted.

* Report and Poster proposals will not be reviewed for Presentation Engagement and Organization.