Managing Information for an AMTE Affiliate

AMTE relies on affiliate representatives to manage information in the database of AMTE Affiliate Directory.

Add an Affiliate

New affiliates but be approved by a vote of the AMTE Board of Directors. Please see the information on becoming an affiliate for more information.

Edit an Existing Affiliate

Note: All affiliate profiles are matched to a affiliate representative. If you need to change the representative, please Send a Note to the AMTE Web Team requesting the change.

Find my Affiliate Profile

 To edit existing information, the affiliate representative can do the following:

  1. log-in to 
  2. click "Edit" at the top of the information page for your specific affiliate page
  3. complete as many details on the edit page as possible, including all required fields (marked with a *)
  4. click "Save"

Remove an Existing Affiliate

To request removal of an affiliate, please contact the Affiliate Director or Send a Note to the AMTE Web Team.